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No viruses, no threats, https-enabled browsing, - it's safe to use this website
YMP4 presents YtMp4 - YouTube video to Mp4 video converter online. No software needed, no registration.
Type something to search with suggestions. You can also copy video URL here from YouTube.
Start with 20 popular music videos chart..
YMP4 online video/video toolkit includes this easy to use & unlimited transfers YouTube video to Mp4 video converter, extractor and saver. You can make yourself a mixtape for the gym and the jog. Get music from other countries, if you like that. Check out top 20 most requested songs on YouTube right here as well. Here are some of YtMp4 features:
No viruses, no threats, https-enabled browsing, - it's safe to use this website
Everyone can use this website as long as they want or require, no limits here
This web-app works on all the platforms: Windows, MacOs, Linux, Android
Save video from YouTube videos to your smartphone or laptop by using our YtMp4 tools. We also support quite a few video converter formats, such as the ones listed below, plus anything that is offered on the specific video, if not from YouTube.
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YMP4 is a web-app, and so it can exist as a native app on your device. Simply click this button (or your browser's prompt) to install the app, and you will be able to convert YouTube videos to Mp4 wherever you go. App is free, needs next to zero storage, never asks to update and can be uninstalled in 2 clicks.
Try the good old bookmarklet, or as Apple users call it - shortcut. It is a special bookmark with a twist thanks to a bit of Javascript code attached to it. Drag and drop to save it to your browser bookmarks, then click it when watching some video on Youtube. It will send you here and video URL with you.